New fast-track registration process is live!

We are excited to announce a more simplified and efficient way of trading on the IFA interconnector between France and Britain, removing the obligation for participants to nominate the capacity bought through auctions.

 Following a recent regulatory change under the Harmonised Allocation Rules for the Forward Capacity Allocations network code, the registration period for Physical non-nominating traders, will now be significantly reduced.

 Traders can now bid and secure capacity without having to fully register with the transmission system operators in both Great Britain (National Grid) and France (Rte) along with Elexon (the Balancing and Settlements Company), thus removing the associated monthly costs of these parties.

 This is a simpler way to register, however, should you want to nominate your capacity at a later date, this can be facilitated.

 John Greasley, Customer & Regulatory Manager, has welcomed the new process, saying: “This change has created an exciting opportunity for both us and market participants. It allows greater access to IFA’s long term auction products, enabling Physical trading companies not wishing to nominate the capacity bought, to become an IFA participant in a matter of weeks.”

 More information on how you can register please contact the IFA team on: [email protected]