Over 30 years’ experience in delivering secure, sustainable and affordable energy


IFA is the European link combining the technical and commercial expertise of both RTE and National Grid Interconnectors.

With over 30 years of operational expertise, both parties operate IFA , a 2000MW high voltage direct current (HVDC) electrical interconnector between Sellindge (GB) and Les Mandarins (FR). It is approximately 70km in length, with 45km of subsea cable.

We deliver unparalleled efficiency and safety, vital to the energy needs of GB and the north-western European Region.

The GB landing point for the sub-sea cables is near Folkestone, Kent, from where underground cables connect to Sellindge converter station and then onto the GB transmission system.

The French landing point for the sub-sea cables is near Calais, from where underground cables connect to Les Mandarins converter station and then on to the French transmission system.

IFA Timeline