Commissioned in 2021 IFA2 is a 1,000 MW high voltage direct current (HVDC) electrical interconnector between the British and French transmission systems. It is the second link to France that National Grid has developed with RTE.

Details of the IFA2 Intraday schedule, which gives market parties the opportunity for the first time on the FR-GB border to nominate capacity via 24 hourly nomination gates can be found here along with the details of the Long-Term auctions and Explicit Day Ahead here.  

In addition to this, we can confirm the IFA2 overall Loss Factor is 2.950%, therefore the IFA2 Mid-Channel Loss Factor is 1.475%.
A summary of this can be found here.

To view live flows of IFA2, please click here.

If you would like to register your interest to trade on IFA2, please email the team on:

[email protected]