Products we offer

Capacity is offered for sale to Registered Users, separately in the direction Great Britain to France and France to Great Britain.

Capacity offered falls into a number of different products:


Use It or Sell It

For products which are not nominated, there is the opportunity to sell your capacity to be entered into other smaller denomination auctions or the explicit day ahead auction so that costs may be recouped.

How often do we have auctions and how much capacity do we sell?
The IFA and IFA2 Auction timetables are available here

Intraday auctions

All Intraday capacity auctions are held on JAO (particpants must sign Amendment 11 to participate in the IFA and IFA2 Intraday Auctions) and all nominations are on the RNP.

The IFA Intraday schedule consists of 4 auctions and 24 nomination gates, a visual chart of this can be found here.

The IFA2 Intraday schedule consists of 4 auctions and 24 nomination gates, a visual chart of which can be found here.

The schedules can be find on our auctions page.

Daily auctions

All Daily/Day Ahead capacity auctions can be accessed via JAO

Long Term auctions

All Long Term capacity auctions (Weekend, Monthly, Quarterly, Seasonal and Annual) are held on JAO and all nominations are on the RNP.