
This sections contain downloadable documentation, resources and links to online systems to support you working with the IFA/IFA2 Interconnector.

Status: Closed 2022

IFA and IFA2 Access Rules consultation

IFA IFA2 Access Rules 2022 Consultation Cover Letter

IFA IFA2 Access Rules Consultation

Following on from the consultation that closed on 22nd April 2022, National Grid Interconnectors Limited (NGIC), National Grid IFA2 Limited (NGIFA2) and Réseau de Transport d’Electricité  (RTE) have identified further amendments to the Access Rules for the IFA and the IFA2 Interconnector.

This re-consultation opens on Friday 18th November 2022 and will close on Friday 16th December 2022.

The additional modifications being re-consulted on are:

  • Introduction of text to align with the participation agreement suspension clauses within the EU Harmonised Allocation Rules.
  • Further clarity around the possible scenarios that could cause Auction cancellation.

Please provide your feedback to [email protected] by Friday 16th December 2022.

Status: Closed 2022

Consultation on Proposed GB Use of Congestion Income Methodology

GB UCI Supporting Document

GB Use Of Rev Methodology For Consultation

Article 19(4) of the Retained Electricity Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/943 as amended by Regulation 7 and paragraph 18 of Schedule 4 of the Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets and Network Codes)(Amendment etc.)(EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (2020 No. 1006) (the 'Retained Regulation') puts a requirement on GB TSOs to propose a methodology outlining conditions for the use of congestion income (UCI) revenues, in accordance with the provisions of that Retained Regulation.

Interested GB TSOs have worked together to draft this proposed GB UCI methodology, which is now published for consultation (in line with the provisions of Article 19). We would like to invite stakeholder feedback on the methodology. Attached here is the proposed methodology and a supporting explanatory document which provides further context.

Please provide your feedback to [email protected] by Tuesday 12 July 2022.

Status: Closed 2022

Consultation on IFA and IFA2 Splitting Rules Methodology

Cover Letter IFA And IFA2 Splitting Rules Methodology Consultation

IFA IFA2 Splitting Rules Methodology Consultation Document

Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE), National Grid Interconnectors Limited (NGIC) and National Grid IFA2 Limited (NGIFA2) are proposing an amendment to the current Long Term Auction Product Mix by introducing new Splitting Rules for IFA and IFA2. 

Feedback is invited from all customers and stakeholders ahead of submission to the French regulatory authority for approval.

This consultation opens on 30th May 2022 and will close on 27th June 2022.

Status: Closed 2022

IFA & IFA2 Access Rules

IFA & IFA2 Access Rules Consultation Cover Letter March 2022

IFA & IFA2 Access Rules Consultation March 2022

IFA & IFA2 Access Rules Consultation March 2022

Réseau de Transport d’Electricité  (RTE), National Grid Interconnectors Limited (NGIC) and National Grid IFA2 Limited (NGIFA2) are proposing an amendment to the Access Rules for the IFA and the IFA2 Interconnector. This consultation opens on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 and will close on Friday 22nd April 2022. The modifications being consulted on are:

  • Enabling the return of long term transmission rights which contain planned maintenance periods

  • The possibility to cancel Long term auctions when no new capacity is to be sold

  • Clarification on process during balancing mechanism outages

  • Housekeeping changes around Intraday nomination schedules

  • Other changes requested by the Joint Allocation Office (JAO)

Status: Closed 2022

IFA & IFA2 Charging Methodology

IFA & IFA2 Charging Methodology Consultation March 2022 Cover Letter

IFA & IFA2 Charging Methodology Consultation March 2022

IFA & IFA2 Charging Methodology Consultation March 2022 (Changed Marked Version)

National Grid Interconnectors Limited (NGIC) and National Grid IFA2 Limited (NGIFA2) are proposing house-keeping amendments to the Charging Methodology for the IFA  and the IFA2 interconnector. This consultation opens on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 and will close on Friday 22 April 2022.

In summary, the proposed modifications to the Charging Methodology reflect the following:

the end of the Brexit transition period,
the go live of the IFA2 Interconnector in January 2021
the current systems used to allocate interconnector capacity.

Status : Closed 2020

FR-GB BSA Consultation

Cover Letter

Explanatory Note

FR-GB-BSA - March 2020 (Clean)

FR-GB BSA - March 2020 (Mark-Up)

Following the amended Harmonised Allocation Rules for Long-Term Transmission Right (HARs) entering into force of on 1st January 2020, National Grid Interconnectors Ltd (NGIC and NGIFA2) and ElecLink Limited have reviewed and updated the France and Great Britain Border Specific Annex (FR-GB BSA) to ensure it is aligned with the amended HARs. NGIC, NGIFA2, RTE and ElecLink Limited would like to invite feedback from IFA Customers and Market Parties on the France and Great Britain Border Specific Annex consultation document.

The consultation will be open for 28 days, therefore the deadline to respond to this will be 18.00 CEST on 23rd April 2020.

All responses should be titled “Response to FR-GB BSA consultation, March 2020”’ and are to be submitted via email to [email protected], [email protected] or directly on RTE’s website:

Status : Closed 2019

IFA and IFA2 Long Term Auction Product Mix

IFA And IFA2 Long Term Auction Product Mix

National Grid IFA2 Limited (NGIFA2) is proposing a Long Term Auction Product Mix for the forthcoming IFA2 1000MW HVDC Interconnector, to be used from the start of its commercial operation planned for Q2 2020, and conclude on the 31st of December 2020.

NGIC and NGIFA2 would like to invite feedback from Customers and Market Parties on the Long Term Auction Product Mix and proposal, please see the attached cover letter for further detail. 

The latest date for responses to this consultation will be 17:00 BST on 27th September 2019. All responses should be titled Response to IFA/IFA2 Product Mix consultation and are to be submitted via email to [email protected] or directly on RTE’s website

Status: Closed 2019

IFA and IFA2 Non-IEM Access Rules Consultation for post-JAO operation

IFA & IFA2 Non IEM Rules Consultation- Cover Letter

Within our BREXIT contingency planning for IFA and IFA2, NGIC and RTE consider that a further version of Access Rules would be required in the event that the GB-France border loses access to the Internal Energy Market (IEM), that would be applicable following the implementation of these new capacity management platforms: RNP, JAO/eCAT (for Long Term, Explicit Day Ahead & Intraday auctions).

Industry participants will recall that a non-IEM (No Deal, CMS) set of IFA Rules was approved in March 2019, and a set of IEM (Deal, SAP/RNP/IAP) were consulted on in June 2019. However, this consultation which is live from 2nd August 2019 to 30th August 2019 proposes a new set of Access Rules to apply after 1st December in the event of a No Deal Brexit. Please find the cover letter and the rules attached.

IFA & IFA2 Non IEM Rules

The table below summarises the status of each set of Access Rules for clarity.


Brexit Scenario

Access Rules Drafting Status

Applicable interconnector



Approved and currently in force




Consultation closed (31/05/19 – 28/06/19)

IFA and IFA2


No Deal

Approved (March 19) but not yet in force



No Deal

This consultation (02/08/19 – 30/08/19)

IFA and IFA2

The latest date for responses to this consultation will be 18.00 CEST on 30th August 2019. All responses should be titled “Response to IFA/IFA2 No Deal Access Rules consultation, August  2019”’ and are to be submitted via email to [email protected] or directly on RTE’s website .

Status: Closed 2019

Charging methodology statement for the IFA & IFA2 for Non-IEM operation 

IFA And IFA2 Charging Methodology Consultation For Non-IEM Operation - Cover Letter

Charging Methodology Statement For The IFA & IFA2 For Non-IEM Operation

 In parallel with the IFA/IFA2 consultation on No Deal Access Rules, NGIC and NGIFA2 are consulting on a proposed modified Charging Methodology.  This methodology would apply in the event of GB ceasing to have access to the Internal Energy Market, and would apply for operation via IFA’s current DAMAS-based allocation platform, and also following migration to JAO/RNP.

Market Parties are invited to respond to this consultation by 18:00 (CEST) on Friday 30th August 2019. 

Charging Methodology Statement For The IFA & IFA2 For Non-IEM Operation

Please see Cover Letter and Methodology Document attached.  

Market Parties are invited to respond to this consultation by 18:00 (CEST) on Friday 30th August 2019. 

Status: Closed 2019

IFA1 and IFA2 Access Rules for Brexit 'deal' scenario

IFA Consultation Cover Letter

NGIC (and RTE) are planning IFA’s migration to new capacity allocation systems in December 2019, and are consulting on proposed modified IFA access rules to support this implementation, which will be applicable to both IFA1 and IFA2.

New platforms will be as follows:

  • Single Allocation platform (for Long Term capacity allocations, and Day Ahead Fallback explicit allocation).
  • Intraday Auction platform (enhanced explicit Intraday auction process)
  • Regional Nominations platform (for IFA Nominations, all timescales).

 The changes and associated background are summarised within the cover letter.

NGIC and RTE would like to invite feedback from Market Participants on the following consultation documents.

Access Rules For Intraday Capacity Allocation Consultation

Explicit Day Ahead And Intraday Nomination Rules

Other documents that will make up the suite of IFA Access Rules are attached below. There are no modifications proposed to these other documents within this IFA consultation as they are all owned by the all-TSO community, and hence they are provided here for information.

Harmonised Allocation Rules

GB Fr Annex To HAR

Shadow Allocation Rules

Channel Long Term Nomination Rules

Modified Participation Agreements will be required as part of the migration to the new platforms, and are also attached here, for information:

JAO Participation Agreement

Nominations Participation Agreement

Intraday Participation Agreement (to follow)

The latest date for responses to this consultation will be 18.00 CEST on 28th June 2019.

All responses should be titled “Response to IFA/IFA2 Access Rules Consultation, June 2019” and are to be submitted via email to [email protected] and to RTE via their website

Status: Closed 2019

IFA & IFA2 Charging Methodology

IFA & IFA2 Charging Methodology Cover Letter

NGIC and NGIFA2 are planning the implementation of new capacity allocation systems in December 2019, and are consulting on a proposed modified Charging Methodology Statement that will be applicable to both IFA1 and IFA2.

The new platforms will be as follows:

  • Single Allocation platform (for Long Term capacity allocations, and Day Ahead Fallback explicit allocation).
  • Intraday Auction platform (enhanced explicit Intraday auction process)
  • Regional Nominations platform (for IFA Nominations, all timescales).

The proposed Charging Methodology is also attached.

IFA & IFA2 Charging Methodology Consultation

The latest date for responses to this consultation will be 18.00 CEST on 1st July 2019.

All responses should be titled “Response to IFA/IFA2 Charging Methodology, July 2019” and are to be submitted via email to [email protected]

Status: Closed 2018/19

IFA Access Rules - No Deal Brexit (2018)

NGIC and RTE are consulting on modified Access Rules in case access to the European Internal Energy Market becomes discontinued under a No Deal Brexit from 30th March 2019. Specifically, the changes to the IFA business process would be to revert to explicit auctions in the day ahead timescale.

NGIC and RTE would like to invite feedback from Market Participants on the consultation documents.  The latest date for responses to this consultation will be 17.00 GMT on 25th January 2019.

Please entitle your response “IFA Access Rules Consultation” and submit to [email protected], and/or via the RTE consultation website.

Consultation documents as follows:

IFA Access Rules Version 13 No Deal

IFA Long Term Allocation Rules

Explanatory Note Brexit

Status: Closed


Day Ahead And Intraday Nomination Rules Consultation

IFA Intraday Allocation Rules Consultation

IFA Border Specific Annex Consultation

IFA Consultation Cover Letter

IFA has amended the document structure for the IFA Access Rules and made changes where applicable to the documents to outline the difference between IFA as the Allocation Platform and IFA as the Interconnector Operator. In addition, IFA has also made changes to reflect the evolving contractual framework whereby some documents will be governed under the Joint Allocation Office PA and some documents will be governed under the Nomination PA. We have endeavoured to minimise the changes required to the IFA Access Rules as a result of the move to SAP/RNP.

NGIC and RTE would like to invite feedback from Market Participants on the above consultation documents.

The latest date for responses to this consultation will be 18.00 CEST on 21 May 2018.

All responses should be titled ‘[IFA Consultation on the proposed Contractual Framework and subsequent Rules documents for IFA’s move to Single Allocation Platform and Regional Nomination Platform]’ and are to be submitted via email to [email protected] and [email protected].

Joint Allocation Office Participation Agreement

Supporting document

Nomination Participation Agreement

Supporting document

JAO Shadow Allocation Rules V1.3

Supporting document

JAO Shadow Allocation Rules V1.4

Supporting document

Harmonised Allocation Rules For Long-Term Transmission Rights

Supporting document

Harmonised Allocation Rules for long-term transmission rights in accordance with Article 52 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a Guideline on Forward Capacity Allocation

Draft Channel Day Ahead Fall Back Methodology

Supporting document

Channel Long Term Nomination Rules

Supporting document